Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One more step

After a very discouraging appointment on Sunday, I was so excited to get some good news today! Things have been growing well and I now have at least 12 mature eggs for retrieval which has successfully been scheduled. On Sunday, I saw the on call doc (who was very rude and a little rough with that ultrasound) and was told I was not where I needed to be. That all my follicles where too small and needed more growth. Three needle sticks to attempt to draw blood only added to the trauma. I left feeling very discouraged and anxious about the upcoming week. And my only next step was to "wait until Tuesday."

After some clarification as to why we were having to push everything back yesterday, I was nervous for my appointment today. Nervous that I would have to start the drugs over, but more nervous that I wouldn't be able to handle the emotional struggle and strain over losing this opportunity. I realized just how invested I was in the process at that point. So I learned for the first time what it meant to pour out my heart in prayer as I pleaded with the Lord for the opportunity to continue this journey and to not have my spirit crushed in the process.

And at today's appointment, things looked much better. Only 12 eggs, but enough to continue. My doc feels confident there are more hidden somewhere. And he thinks he can remove some of the endometriosis as well to increase the odds of pregnancy in a few months when we get to that point. What wonderful news! Now we just wait for the next 36 hours, with only 2 more shots between me and the end of phase one.

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